Stay Safe

Social life is taking another break.

To help fight off cabin fever, ARTE Concert, together with “United We Stream,” is bringing the Berlin club scene to your living room.

Help slow the spread of COVID-19 by following these simple rules.


reduce your contacts

Protect yourself and others and reduce your contacts to a minimum.

wear your mask

whenever possible, wear a mask when you encounter people.

keep your distance

Avoid crowds and keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters.

wash your hands

Ideally with soap and water – and for at least 20 seconds!

hands off

Shaking hands and hugging are out – contactless greetings are in.
And don’t touch your face!

stay connected

Physical distancing yes, social isolation no.
Keep in touch with your loved ones – whether by phone or via digital channels.

keep calm

Trust reputable and scientific sources
and don’t let the panic infect you.


Being at home does not mean giving up everything.
Use our online offer for your daily dose of music and culture.

Be solidary and stay healthy – together we can get through this!
